Update Status on facebook From Anything?

Welcome Friends to my Blog.HaXoR is Here.I am simple boy with tricky mind and my motto is that Knowledge is free. That is why i am sharing my knowledge with so that you can also get benefit from it.

       FACEBOOK is the biggest social network and every one wants to look unique and different so many people use different ways to do that some people use funny pictures as their display picture and some change the fonts of their Name.
few months ago I found a very different way  to post status on Facebook using different devices like iphone , samsung galaxy grand , windows phone , toilet , calculator etc… :P :P

As you know these devices are very expensive and most people can’t afford to have even 
one of them but worry not guys i have the solution and i created this blog for ya to give you all the apps in on place so you can update your Facebook status form one single site.
Go to the link given below choose the device from which you want to post your Facebook status, Then Post your status using your selected device and enjoy :P :P .

Click Here to select Device