How to Expose Someone Email address?

HELLO GUYZ! HaXoR is Here today i,m going to show you how to expose someone email adress that he is using to run his/her Social Network.

Ok Lets get Started
Expose your friend's email address of Facebook

We know that for hacking anyone Facebook password first we have to know about his/her facebook email id .Sometimes our victim hide the email id ,then it becomes quiet difficult to hack his password.
Now in this paper i will show you how to expose anyone email id of Facebook so that we have at least something about him to hack his Facebook password.This method is quiet easy and can not harm anyone as we just expose his email id not anything else.

1.First you have change your facebook browsing from https to http.

2.Go to account setting ->Security->then see the first option click on that and disable it.

3.Now you have to join the application to expose your friend email id .

4.After you join a given application you will see a page.

5.Now you need a id of your friend just type of victim.

6.Username you will easily get on looking to his profile.

7.When you enter the id in the application you have joined before it will show you the error.

8.It means your victim must have join the second app that is love percentage application.It is because when victim join the app the app will steal his email id.

9.Now send this link to your victim and when your victim join the u will be able to see his email id.

10.It's a simple love app so no need to worry, your victim definitely join this app.
here :Click here to go

11.When your victim join the application,Now enter the id

12.It will give you the email id as well as id of all of his friends.

13.I know it is quiet complicated but easy to do.but don't lose hope i posted the easiest way to do this so.
If you like our post please! share it to your friends also beacause i myself believe that knowledge is free. 
ReGard$ (HaXoR)