How to hack a website with Havij
How to hack Website using Havij ?
First of all there is nothing hard in this tutorial or damn steps to be followed - Just read it once - simply. But if you really want to learn SQL Injection then try to do it manually instead of using any tools..! -
First you have to download havij click on the link given below: to Install Click Here to know
Steps to Hack Website Database using Havij :
- Search for SQLi Vulnerable Website.
- Enter Website URL into Target box and Analyze it
After Analyzing you can see that, It will find Database name, Tables etc.
Always keep your an eye on STATUS BOX [Log]
And now, We got Database name and Tables, Let's find out Columns and Data of Users, Password etc.
Huh !! Finally we got up 'users' table, Now select users and click on 'Get Columns' and you will see this :-
After Getting Columns and all.. Finally Click on 'Get Data' and you will get all login ID and Mdp_user as Shown in the Image :-
So, here we got up Website Admin login_user ID and mdp_user. Now finally crack mdp_user Code and decode it : to get password.
Now, it's time to Enter into Website using this Two Admin login ID and Password. To get the Admin page Click on 'Find Admin' and click on start to Analyze the admin page :-
Got up :D, Now go to that URL of admin and Login with ID and password you got from Database :D We Hacked into website that's it Done. You got Admin Seat and Enjoy,Play with Website :D
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