Hack Any gmail account

Getting Straight to the tut

step 1: first signout of your gmail account .

step 2: go to "I Cannot Access My Account " tab which is below the password field

step 3: go to Yopmail and enter any random name eg:ron
and then click check inbox
and leave it open.

step 4: On "I Cannot Access My Account " page in Gmail just click forgot my username and go to username recovery page.

Step 5: Enter The Yopmail email you just opened eg :

Step 6: now click check for new emails tab in yopmail you will get all the gmail id's associated with it eg you'll get some gmail id's like xx@gmail.com copy that id

step 7: just go again to the "I Cannot Access My Account " in gmail and this time choose forgot my password and go to password recovery page

step 8:Now Enter The Gmail Id You Copied xx@gmail.com in username
fill the captcha and everything

step9: If The Gmail Password recovery ever asks a security question then no need to panic !
look below the security question there will be a tab link send the reset password link to my recovery email

step 10:just go to the yopmail inbox again and click on the link gmail posted and reset their gmail password

VOILA !! You Just hacked A Gmail Account

Posted by (HaXoR)